For the most up-to-date information on baronial activities, join our YAHOO GROUP.
Meetings & Practices
Baronial Meetings
Baronial Meetings are held at 8 pm on the third Monday of every month at the Keefe Center in Hamden, CT.
Heavy List Practice
Weekly practices are held on Thursday from 8pm-10pm at the Keefe Center in Hamden, CT. Contact the Knight Marshal for more information.
Fencing Practice
Weekly practices are held on Thursday from 7:30pm-10pm at the Keefe Center in Hamden, CT. Contact the Fencing Marshal for more information.
Archery Practice
Regularly scheduled practices have ended for 2013 but will resume in the spring. In season, practices are on Sundays, noon-3pm (weather permitting), in Oxford, CT. No crossbows are permitted! Be sure to subscribe to the baronial Yahoo Group linked above for practice updates. Contact the Archery Marshal for directions and more information.
Thrown Weapons Practice
Our practices are being held on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM (weather permitting) at a private home. Loaner gear is available. Contact the Thrown Weapons Marshal for more information.