For the most up-to-date information on baronial activities, join our YAHOO GROUP.
Join Us!
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Barony of Dragonship Haven. Within our boundries, you will find many interests, from Heavy List fighting, Fencing, Youth Fencing, Archery, Arts and Sciences, Blackpowder and much, much more.
Maps of our barony and surrounding territories can be found here.
We would like to invite you join us at our monthly meetings every third Monday of the month at the Keefe Center in Hamden, or at our weekly fighter practice.
So once more welcome and feel free to ask any questions that you may have.
Captain Elias Gedney, O.L.
Chatelain, Barony of Dragonship Haven
You may contact Captain Elias Gedney by email at: chatelaine@dragonshiphaven.eastkingdom.org
Information for Newcomers
The East Kingdom Chatelaine has produced several guides for newcomers, available at the links below. Links will open in a new window.
More information for newcomers can be found on the SCA website at:
Society for Creative Anachronism: Resources for Newcomers